Ya kalo yang udah pernah liat diary gue pasti tau, isinya ga kaya diary! hahahaha
itu kaya tempat tumpahnya buah pikir - buah pikir gue yang engga wajar tapi perlu dilestarikan, setidaknya menurut gue. Jadi anggap aja fungsi diary bagi gue itu mempertahankan aset berharga yang tidak dapat divisualisasikan oleh orang lain selain gue, noted.
Baru aja buka-buka diary yang finnish pas kelas 3 SMA, diary ke-3. Ini yang paling rapid, out of the box, dan nyelip-nyelip ada artistiknya yang bisa dimengerti gue doang dengan keterbatasan kemampuan tangan =.= Kalo ngeliat diary pertama sih reaksinya facepalm, tutup, selipin di lemari paling dalem, done.
Balik ke diary ke-3 yang designnya bagus tapi kata-kata mutiara di sampulnya.... nyasar grammarnya. banyak quotes (yang ancur-ancur, tentunya), puns, failed puns, lyric jokes, Akabane mini series, sayembara, hair condition update, word arts, sampe coretan temen-temen. Kayanya sih cuma gue yang bisa ngerti, tapi dibalik failed puns atau kata-kata yang tiba-tiba ada di tengah halaman ga tau dari mana, itu ringkasan perasaan gue di keadaan tertentu yang mau gue simpen. Yah pengandaiannya tuh kaya misalnya gue kelaperan tapi pelajaran belom selese, kalo bikin video di yout*be menceritakan kelaparan gue kan bakal abis paling engga 1 menit. Dengan nulis satu kata di diary dengan gaya tertentu semuanya tersirat dan tersurat sekaligus, praktis.
ini apaan sih ngebahas teori ngisi diary aja panjang lebar ga ada esensinya.
Jadi di sela-sela halaman yang geblek itu pasti gue nulis kata kunci yang gue doang yang tau, tentang sisi girlish gue waktu itu *facepalm. Ada satu kalimat yang gue tulis berulang-ulang dan nyesel karena harusnya gue gambarin aja secara gamblang keadaan waktu itu karena sekarang udah lupa! hahaha.
'If I faint, blame your brain, your attitude'
sering banget gue tulis haha
'don't you need me to slap you? Telling you not to show what's inside your head too much, it's too deadly... you schei*e brainy'
(orang retard macam apa ini, ngequote diary sendiri, anyway)
hahaha gue inget banget ekspresi sampe bloodrushingnya gue pas nulis itu, semuanya yang popped out dari otak gue spontaneously. rasanya pengen ngetawain, tapi malah iri sama diri sendiri kenapa waktu itu gue bisa bebas punya perasaan yang meluap-luap dan sekarang semuanya terasa lebih organized. kaya dulu tuh apapun yang masuk ke otak itu ga di saring, dan responnya pun ga disaring. *ngerti ga sih?
gue ga bisa ketawa sama tulisan gue sendiri lagi, ga ada lagi Insidek (inspirasi mendadak geblek) ala yajo, kemana nyangsrangnya ya?
'Terong, aa...'
'J.J.J.L.N.O.N.H.F.O.S... Just Joking Joking Laah, No offense No Hard feelings Ok? Sippo'
tapi biasanya paling meaning itu kalo udah 'SEMOKEEEEEN' sama 'I'M GLOWING', udah itu high level moe flowers, fix.
jadi kesimpulannya...
haaaaaaaaaaaaaah, time flies :)
udah ga bloodrushing lagi, ga inget =.=
But it is a tiny tiny sweet memory and I help myself not to touch it again, just stay there and last like edelweiss. If I ever experience such again, I wont write over it. Like I'd buy a new diary and start over, even if it's the same after all.
kebiasaan ga ilang-ilang ya kalo ngomong serius ga bisa pake bahasa Ibu. nyasaaaaar! nyasaaar!
Selasa, 22 Januari 2013
Selasa, 01 Januari 2013
A Water Drop
I remember a little, the moment we fell off in a pretty much low temperature
we were separated but I guess sooner we got together again
although not in similar line ups
I heard that place was called mountain
at first I thought it was so festive there
but they are all nice and friendly
from fresh green to hard brown fellas
Day by day I just followed anywhere the guys moves
I heard it was called from upper course - where we first landed - to downstream
I felt everything is getting hotter
no need to worry, nothing will be wrong with us if we get a little warm
many more fellas met along the journey
now I know pretty much what will happen to me and my friends
and what are we to other fellas
do you know? I'm happy that we're actually beneficial
but, as the fluffy guy in the sky said,
not every drop needed to make rainbows
voices in the bushes whispered that not all of us can do our duty without deceit
in many case, we ended up in different places and forms
flow, flow, flow
that's how we move
faster and faster we change directions
That moment, I just realized we've changed color!
I think I've separated with so many of my friends when the rest of us finally made it to...
the sea. Yeah, that's what fellas near the rice field told me
I didn't know, whether we were back as clean as once we fell or not
But everything sure felt fresher
Sir coconut who I met that time told me he's been in the sea for years,
round and round he's moved with guys like us
and gradually he came back to where he fell for the first time
he said it felt bitter sweet, but with a lot of stories to tell
I knew then what kind of drop I wanted to be, where I wanted to be
Fluffy guy sure is really humble, and I wished to see him
but please I wanted to flow a little bit longer
I wanted to have more stories to tell than the other drops
please let me flow just a bit further
I've been on my dream journey, flowing from coast to coast
it was dark, mister shiny yellow is not up there
that roundy guy, moon, is not mean so I guess I'll be okay
moments before, I met a drop just similar to me
That drop told me than roundy guy will pull us a bit high, closer to him
all the drops likes it, but to me it didn't sound really good
I want to go far, not pulled high
That's why I'm telling this story
Doesn't it hurt, when you want to achieve something
but you have to do something else which is out of the plan?
When you want to cross your own boundary but you need to go where everybody goes?
When you want to be as awesome as you dreamt of, but there is something else which looks beautiful and you don't know whether to aim both or choose only one?
In the end, a drop is a drop and it should value itself
When you can't look forward then look to the sides, see through what you've left behind
If we reminisce every beautiful moment we've been in before we go to sleep,
then we won't have time to sleep at all, or either fell asleep before done listing them.
wait, do we even sleep?
ah well, we all do everything we do just to be happy right?
we were separated but I guess sooner we got together again
although not in similar line ups
I heard that place was called mountain
at first I thought it was so festive there
but they are all nice and friendly
from fresh green to hard brown fellas
Day by day I just followed anywhere the guys moves
I heard it was called from upper course - where we first landed - to downstream
I felt everything is getting hotter
no need to worry, nothing will be wrong with us if we get a little warm
many more fellas met along the journey
now I know pretty much what will happen to me and my friends
and what are we to other fellas
do you know? I'm happy that we're actually beneficial
but, as the fluffy guy in the sky said,
not every drop needed to make rainbows
voices in the bushes whispered that not all of us can do our duty without deceit
in many case, we ended up in different places and forms
flow, flow, flow
that's how we move
faster and faster we change directions
That moment, I just realized we've changed color!
I think I've separated with so many of my friends when the rest of us finally made it to...
the sea. Yeah, that's what fellas near the rice field told me
I didn't know, whether we were back as clean as once we fell or not
But everything sure felt fresher
Sir coconut who I met that time told me he's been in the sea for years,
round and round he's moved with guys like us
and gradually he came back to where he fell for the first time
he said it felt bitter sweet, but with a lot of stories to tell
I knew then what kind of drop I wanted to be, where I wanted to be
Fluffy guy sure is really humble, and I wished to see him
but please I wanted to flow a little bit longer
I wanted to have more stories to tell than the other drops
please let me flow just a bit further
I've been on my dream journey, flowing from coast to coast
it was dark, mister shiny yellow is not up there
that roundy guy, moon, is not mean so I guess I'll be okay
moments before, I met a drop just similar to me
That drop told me than roundy guy will pull us a bit high, closer to him
all the drops likes it, but to me it didn't sound really good
I want to go far, not pulled high
That's why I'm telling this story
Doesn't it hurt, when you want to achieve something
but you have to do something else which is out of the plan?
When you want to cross your own boundary but you need to go where everybody goes?
When you want to be as awesome as you dreamt of, but there is something else which looks beautiful and you don't know whether to aim both or choose only one?
In the end, a drop is a drop and it should value itself
When you can't look forward then look to the sides, see through what you've left behind
If we reminisce every beautiful moment we've been in before we go to sleep,
then we won't have time to sleep at all, or either fell asleep before done listing them.
wait, do we even sleep?
ah well, we all do everything we do just to be happy right?
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