'There's nothing that a hundred men or more could ever do~' awawaw >,<
so I'm a big fan of Jason derulo now, and knowing that he's going steady with Jordin Sparks is like an icing on a cake ;) ME GUSTA~! ululululululu
It's been a crazy week, I experienced many things I'd never done before and I learned a lot (like i would mention each of 'em, duuuh). I see that I can do a lot more than I expected as long as I step forward to the challenge and just go hard ;) GO HAAAARD! what? I made more than 6points while playing basketball yesterday and that was coming from a girl who used to say, 'basketball is one of my biggest weaknesses'. meh! #SWOG I mean, basketball was just a sample out of a hundred, not that I only dedicated my week for that #ppfffftt
jadi, beberapa waktu yang lalu ke toko buku buat beli buku pemrograman (ada mata kuliahnya ye, bukan berarti gue menyimpang) sekalian beli novel buat hiburan. tadinya tertarik sama novel terjemahan roman2 modern gitu, tapi engga banget disaat kaya gini menyuplai otak dengan rorororomance, makin konslet aja ntar otak ye. Untung sekali~ jiwa misteri gue terpuaskan dengan novel ini. awalnya sih ragu mau beli, abis bukan Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. tapi pas di halaman pertama aja udah ada kutipan kata-kata S.H. yang bikin terperangah :O
men, sejujur-jujurnya quote ini meluruskan pikiran gue dan bikin gue bersyukur sama apa yang gue dapat. Terserah sekarang semua mau marahin gue, gue marahin balik. mau gebukin gue, gue gebukin balik. mau ngatain gue, gue gebukin balik. Mau ngetawain gue, gue gebukin balik. Mau ngacangin gue, sekalian ga usah balik lagi. Karena itu quote udah cukup buat nampar, men, ga perlu yang laen lagi.
I don't need compassion, cause I'm not falling. I don't need to convince anyone, cause I'm not lying. There's not a second I've spent to shudder and wail, surprisingly, it felt like inhaling fresh air after working out in a gym.
I'm enjoying myself, and cherishing how beautiful I've always been. It's not like opening a new door, it's like cleaning up the dust on your window :D huulaalalaaa.
Anyway, I write this for you guys to avoid misunderstanding, I really hate to be misjudged, not for my self-relief or mending anything. so just to make sure, I'M OKAY YOU MOTHEREFFERS!
quote of the day: Me gusta, Yajo :D
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